“Dr Elizabeth Celi is a leading female voice for male mental health issues. Her television and radio interviews demonstrate an unusual degree of insight into the little understood experience of men. Particularly impressive is her fearless yet intelligent ‘lifting of the veil’ on issues of contention, including those deemed politically incorrect and yet, she well knows how vital it is to acknowledge the full complexity of gender issues. Her approach is refreshing and hopeful, and demonstrates that despite the fearsome prejudices and pressures of gender ideology, there are still individuals that have the integrity to speak their mind; in this case a particularly well educated and informed mind. Hers is an important voice, and one that will continue to ‘cut to the chase’ and stimulate sensible dialogue”
Dr John A. Ashfield PhD, author, academic, and commentator on male health and male studies
Dr Elizabeth Celi made a major contribution to the launch of the study of intimate partner abuse of men. She spoke at the launch and was interviewed by several radio stations. You may hear the interviews by clicking here.
Elizabeth was chosen to speak on this controversial issue because she is one of very few psychologists who are actively working with male victims. Elizabeth is also active in a wide range of men’s mental health issues and her book “Regular Joe v Mr Invincible- The Battle for the True Man” is an outstanding contribution to understanding how men think and behave.
Gary Bryant, Executive Officer, Men’s Advisory Network
Dr. Elizabeth Celi is an inspiring speaker with broad professional experience as a Psychologist. I first met Elizabeth at a Conference on Men’s Health issues held in Parliament House Canberra where she was a keynote speaker.
Many people who have not had the opportunity to meet Elizabeth personally will have seen her being interviewed on television or heard her on the Dads on the Air radio program. In her most recent television appearance Elizabeth discussed the impact that television advertisements have and gave some vivid examples of violence towards men being portrayed as acceptable or even funny. With Elizabeth drawing attention to some of these well known advertisements we can see how objectionable they really are and how we should not allow ourselves to be conditioned to the type of behaviour being presented.
Bill K, 58 years of age, solicitor/mediator
Elizabeth gave a very professional presentation as part of the 2007 Monash-Peninsula Business Associates Program. Elizabeth’s session was tailored to her fellow Business Associates members and they found the session to be a really engaging and enjoyable exploration of the potential gains from strategies that enhance workplace well being.
Professor Robert Brooks
Head of Faculty (Berwick and Peninsula Campuses)
Faculty of Business and Economics Monash University
Dr. Elizabeth Celi has been a valuable contributor to the Frankston Business Seminar Series. I have found Elizabeth to be extremely professional and flexible in her approach, and the workshop was one of the standout performances of the Series. Elizabeth’s approach to the development of the workshop ensured it was appropriate to the target audience and her delivery was highly interactive and accessible to a wide range of participants. Feedback from the seminar indicated a high level of satisfaction and anecdotal evidence suggest that participants have implemented a number of the practical suggestions offered, which is a powerful indicator that the message was delivered and received effectively.
I would highly recommend Dr. Celi as a professional speaker.”
Steve Waugh
Business and Industry Development Officer
Frankston City Council